
   日期:2012-10-19     浏览:239    评论:0    
核心提示:2012年10月15日 格林尼治时间15:40 温得和克Zimbabwes ferro-chrome producers have shut down chrome smelting furnaces, citin


2012年10月15日   格林尼治时间15:40   温得和克


Zimbabwe’s ferro-chrome producers have shut down chrome smelting furnaces, citing high electricity costs and the lacklustre chrome prices.
The country’s largest ferro-chrome producer, Sinosteel Corp’s Zimasco, has scaled down capacity to 40%, "in line with prevailing weak global demand for the commodity", it said on Thursday October 12.
“The on-going global economic crisis and lower-than-expected levels of economic activity affecting the world’s key regions of Europe, the USA, Japan and China, which are markets for Zimasco’s products, have resulted in lower prices and reduced off-take for most commodities, inclusive of ferro-chrome,” Zimasco said.
“不断发酵的经济危机和远低于预期的经济发展水平正在影响到Zimasco产品的主要贸易地区,包括欧洲、美国、日本和中国,同时也导致包括铬铁在内的商品价格出现下跌,贸易数量出现大幅缩水” Zimasco说到。
Metal Bulletin is reliably informed that Maranatha Ferrochrome, Oliken, Monochrome and Zim Alloys Chrome have all but completely switched off their chrome smelting furnaces and sources say that the chrome industry is virtually on its knees.
英国金属导报已得到可靠消息说Maranatha铬铁厂、Oliken、Monochrome和Zim Alloys公司已经全部关停了他们的熔炼炉,并且消息人士称现在铬系行业已实质上处于停滞状态。
A ban on exports of chrome ore, which authorities have hinted at temporarily suspending, has worsened the plight of Zimbabwe’s chrome mining companies.
Zim Alloys stopped running its small furnaces, the cost of power is too high. Maranatha, Oliken, and Monochrome have also said that they can’t run furnaces given the price of power. It’s just not economic,” a source said.
“Zim Alloys停掉了他们小的炉子,因为电力成本太高。Maranatha,Oliken和Monochrome也说不仅仅是因为经济的原因,由于电价的因素他们也将不得不关停部分炉子。”一位市场人士称。
“There have been a lot of shutdowns, but we are negotiating with the government to benchmark electricity charges to prevailing chrome prices,” another source said.
Ferro-chrome smelters are currently being charged on average $0.10 per kilowatt-hour, which translates into 3,800 kilowatt-hours to produce a tonne of ferro-chrome.
By comparison, producers in South Africa are charged on average around $0.63 per kilowatt-hour and a recently announced 25% tariff hike would take the price to around $0.77 per kilowatt-hour.
“Electricity charges account for nearly 40% of costs and that is way too much. If we compare to the power charges in South Africa, in Zimbabwe we require around $1.6 million more to produce 10 000 tonnes of ferro-chrome per month than in South Africa,” the first source said.
Zimbabwe’s current installed chrome smelting arc furnaces are high-energy consumers with an average 3.8-4.0 MW per metric tonne of ferro-chrome produced.
Chrome mining companies are currently negotiating a commodity-linked electricity tariff with a base ferro-chrome price of $0.90 per pound and base electricity price of $0.72 per kilowatt-hour.
“They have agreed to benchmark the electricity charges to the prices of chrome and we are working out the details,” the second source said, without disclosing when and whether this agreement would actually come into force.
Metal Bulletin understands that Zim Alloys Chrome’s $60 million financing deal with Global Emerging Markets (GEM), tied to exports of chrome ore, is now in limbo as the government dithers on lifting the chrome ore exports ban.
英国金属导报了解到目前Zim Alloys公司和全球新兴市场一项与铬矿出口绑定的数额6000万美元的铬系贸易活动,现在因为受到政府对铬矿出口禁令犹豫不决的影响,也开始变得不稳定起来。
Zim Alloys has been running a small 300 tpm of ferrochrome smelter, which has been shut down.
Zim Alloys公司已经关掉了一台月产量300吨的铬铁熔炼炉。
“Chrome ore exports are one of the conditions to get the financing since furnace reconstruction takes time. Zim Alloys has to show that it can generate revenue by exporting ores. But that deal is hanging right now, until the government gives the go-ahead to exports of ores,” a third source said.
“由于铬铁复产需要时间,所以铬矿出口就是一个可以创税的条件了。Zim Alloys不得不向别人证明其可以通过出口铬矿创造税收。但是目前这项贸易已经停滞了,直到政府允许铬矿出口为止。”第三位市场人士说到。
Zim Alloys has potential to produce high carbon ferro-chrome, ferro-silicon chrome and low carbon ferro-chrome but has struggled to raise capital for furnace rebuilding.
Zim Alloys有潜力生产高碳铬铁、硅铬合金和低碳铬铁,但是他们还在为熔炼炉重建积极筹措资金。
Another industry official said that the government was likely to select a few miners who would be allowed to export raw chrome for a specified period.


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