卡车司机罢工冲击煤炭供应 Eskom未让电力受到干扰

   日期:2012-10-16     浏览:205    评论:0    
核心提示:Eskoms coal supplies to its power stations have been affected by the transport strike that is now in its third week, the


Eskom’s coal supplies to its power stations have been affected by the transport strike that is now in its third week, the power utility told Metal Bulletin.
Eskom trucks 25-30% of its coal to its power stations, but for now, even while supplies have been disrupted, Eskom does not expect power interruptions as a result of the strike.
“We have been concerned about the level of violence and intimidation during the truckers’ strike and it has been a priority to ensure that people’s safety – Eskom people or those working for contractors – is not compromised,” a media liaison officer told Metal Bulletin. “Deliveries to the power stations have therefore been disrupted.”
However, Eskom still has an average of just over 43 days of coal stocks across its system, the officer said. This is down from 44 days since the strike started on September 24.
“Going into the rainy season and the festive season we would have preferred to be increasing our level of coal stocks, but at 43 days, it is still well within our target range,” the liaison officer said. “Some stations are more vulnerable than others and we are monitoring the progress of the strike closely.”
The power company has put contingency plans in place that would address any threat to power interruptions, the liaison officer said.
Talks between employers and the South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Satawu) broke down again on October 9, strengthening the likelihood of the strike expanding to the rail and ports.
Around 15,000 workers, belonging to three transport unions, said on October 9 that they will return to work on October 10. However, the largest union, Satawu, has declined employers’ offers and continues with the nationwide strike. On October 10, violence and vandalism continued on the 17th day of the strike.
Over the weekend, Satawu applied at the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for permission for rail and port workers to embark on a secondary strike on October 15. Transnet and Durban port have been given notice of the pending strike.

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