
   日期:2012-10-10     浏览:200    评论:0    
核心提示:South Africas Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) have announced plans to disrupt rail transport and shut down a
South Africa’s Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (Satawu) have announced plans to disrupt rail transport and shut down all the ports in the country.
“We are talking to our members in the ports and rail sectors to join in a secondary strike,” the Satawu secretary-general said on October 5. “Import and export at ports will be shut down.”
Satawu did not return calls for comment at the time of publishing.
Union talks collapsed on October 4, and the truck strike, which is still continuing after two weeks, is threatening fuel and food supplies as well as steel and chrome ore consignments.
Some companies have attempted to manage the issue by seeking out alternate delivery routes, but many have admitted the constricted truck access has affected everyone.
“Everyone is struggling,” David Nel, ceo of Strategic Natural Resources, said. His company owns an anthracite and thermal coal mine in the Eastern Cape and exports its product through Richards Bay terminal and East London port.
“每个人都在努力”战略自然资源的CEO David Nel说到。他的公司在东海岸有一个无烟煤和动力煤的矿,开采的产品将出口到美国理查德海湾和伦敦东港。
“So far the impact from the strike has not been unmanageable, albeit challenging. But if the rumours are true about the strike expanding to ports and rail, then all of this is spiralling out of control,” he said, adding that port closures would be damaging to business and South Africa as a whole.
However, a possible positive for exporters in South Africa is that the strike turmoil is weakening the rand currency. In general terms this bodes well for exporters, except if industries are completely unable to export.
“There’s nothing positive about the flow of imports and exports being under threat,” a producer source said. “If these strikes spread to the ports, South Africa will be crippled. No one will benefit from this.”
Economists have already calculated that the strikes since the start of August – most notably in the mining industry but also in the automotive and transport sectors – have shaved 1.5% off South Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth.
Bulk Connections, the company that manages the port of Durban, reported that truck traffic into the port has dwindled to less than 50 trucks a day from more than 200 per day before the truck strike began.
控制德班港口的Bulk Connections公司报告称,目前进出港口的卡车已由罢工前的每天200辆以上降至目前每天50量不到的水平了。
“The trains are still working, so we’ve seen minimal effect,” Iain Geldart, managing director of Bulk Connections, told Metal Bulletin. However, he said other ports that are more reliant on truck traffic are worse off.
“但是火车还在正常运行,所以我们感受到的影响很小” Bulk Connections主管Iain Geldart告诉MB。但是那些对卡车运输较为依赖的港口则情况就比较糟糕了。
“With people sympathising and inciting others there’s always a possibility that we could be affected in the future. Perhaps we will come in on Monday [October 8] and all hell breaks loose.”
The port of Durban receives coal, iron ore pellets, manganese ore, paper, steel, coils, cars, bulk bags and rice, among other things, from trucks, although Geldart said most commonly bulk alloys are transported via rail.
Transnet did not return calls for comment at the time of publishing.
Satawu's threats came as Anglo American Platinum announced that the illegal strike action that began at its Rustenburg platinum mine has expanded to two other mine sites, forcing them to shut down due to non-attendance.
Amplats also said on Friday it had fired 12,000 Rustenburg workers after they failed to attend a disciplinary hearing.

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